Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Calligram, Pictograms, and Rebus

Calligram: a word or phrase that match the shape of the word it is describing.

The picture uses the word "elephant" to draw out an elephant. 
The picture uses the word "Kitty" to draw out a kitty[another word for Cat].
The picture uses the word "Panther" to draw out a panther.

Pictogram: is a icon that conveys its meaning through its pictorial resemblance to a physical object.
This means like DANGER Zone

These are a picture of scenes from movies: the first one is a girl in the shower about to get murdered and the second one is an image of the movie Jaws.

This means NO Smoking

Rebus: is a allusional device that uses picture to represent words or part of a word.
"Free beer for a year"

"Can you see well?"

"Exercise/Running strengthens your Heart" 

"I Love You"
It's a letter:
My Dear Child,

          I received your letter of Tuesday and am glad you got home well. I have sent the length Mrs. Bumble-foot to Lotty. I am glad to hear the Joker gotten so well. Give my love to you.

[Something] your old loving Father,
 Oscar B.

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